Every sound carries a frequency. As our body's are 60% water, we are very sensitive to frequencies and they travel through us with great power and fluency. Our body's have energy points, which vibrate at certain frequencies to keep our body balanced and healthy. When we are suffering from an ailment or an emotional issue, this imbalance is reflected in a change of frequency in our body. Therefore, identifying the in-balance and knowing the frequency it should be resonating at will allow us to use sound to re-balance the body's energy and maximise the energy flow within us and around us.
Music has the power to stimulate every part of the brain, our emotions and enhance our vibration. Learning how music affects us in different ways can serve as a great tool to stimulate intended emotions, when we are experiencing a mood we wish to alter. It is also a Creative tool that we can use to express our emotions, enabling us to acknowledge them with greater clarity, acceptance and release them in the most liberating ways. From applying our emotions to writing lyrics to singing or playing an instrument to express our deepest emotions; through the magic of sound, rhythm, tonality, texture, tempo and harmony. Music has many levels in which to reach us, whether listening or performing, and exploiting its' power can make an immense difference in our life's, especially when explored mindfully.
Colours & textures both carry powerful frequencies, which have the power to stimulate and express different emotions within us, turning them into a work of art and allowing us to see the beauty in every emotion we carry. It enables us to release unwelcome emotions and be present in the moment when we become aware of our senses during the activity. Admiring and expressing our emotions on different works of art can also help us achieve a good understanding of how colours and textures affect us. This will enable us to enhance the energy we feel we lack simply by using the colour and texture the emotion corresponds to. Mindful Art has the power to heal our deepest emotions and express our experienced sensations with total freedom and no judgement.
Every colour vibrates at its own unique frequency, therefore affecting our mental and emotional state by having an impact on our own energy. Although colours have their own meanings, I have witnessed how each person may have their own experience and can be affected differently depending on the colour and mood their are in at present. Explore how each colour affects or stimulates you, in order to learn which colours challenge you and those that enhance you. Colour too can be a great tool for stimulating our desired energy and state.
Writing your thoughts and the way you feel can prove to be an extremely effective form of expression. Sometimes we do not feel confident or ready to talk to someone about things, but simply writing it allows you to express yourself without the fear of being judged or hurting anyone. Your writing can range from a simple daily journal to a descriptive and creative form of writing your experience. Explore this tool and notice yourself think with greater clarity, feel your energy lighter and certainly brighter!
Journal writing can inspire us to express ourselves creatively and end up writing poems. Just reading poems can prove to be extremely soothing in every level, especially if you can connect with the topic of the poem. What is more expressing your own thoughts, experience and emotions can feel extremely liberating, by transforming the energy of your story into a creative one. It certainly served me as a powerful tool throughout my journey. I welcome you to find some of my poems in the Blog section.